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The organization of shapes and colors in Frattini's art is completely independent of the rendering of the third dimension, or of depth, his appears almost a game, it is no coincidence that one of his sculptures has the title "Playful object". It expresses its strength through perfectly matching, simultaneous color contrasts and the organization of space which at the same time moves the gaze away and closer. To the detriment of depth, the perceptual ambiguity that catalyzes an experience comes into play. This “aniconic” painting is easily connected to Mondrian both for the geometric study and for the subdivision of the color. Flavio Caroli wrote about abstractionism "man has sought truth in himself, he has sought it in the spirit or in the structures of perception, or in a supreme breath of expression: in any case, the dialogue of the eye with the world has been interrupted, the canvas has become a screen of separation instead of the medium, it has indeed become itself (mirror of the eye) the whole world to be composed and explored. " The gaze of this young artist is deeply wedged in the exploration of the vital and satisfying pictorial experience that he composes as a kind of hermetic mosaic. 

Vincenzo Frattini

Catalog, Besides ... current art scenarios in Salerno, S. Maria del Rifugio, Cava De 'Tirreni, (SA)

by Giada Caliendo

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